I feel the artificial warmth of the computer lab wrap around me, as I stare at my dirty keyboard. I wonder for a moment how many other pairs of fingers have danced upone it, writing long forgotten words. It's just a passing thought. A man sitting two computers down is wearing that cologne you always ore. The one that you put on when you were going out, and wanted to feel different somehow. There are probably a hundred guys on this campus that wear this scent, but to me it belongs solely to you. I'm silently willing this stranger to stay here with me for awhile, so I can remember you with every breath that I take in.
I come to the realization that this man who I have never spoken to probably cares for me about as much as you do by now. I chose not to dwell on that either. Each whiff that I take reminds me of a long ago night, a dark and used up July evening when we first ran across each other. Your scent is stuffed somewhere up inside my head, coming out whenever I think of that night and of you.
The air was sticky that night, and we took off our sandals to leave our temporary marks on the pavement. I have no idea what your footprint looked like. I could barely even come up with a picture of you the next morning when I tried to put a face to the feeling.
The places where we walked have long since become friendly to me, but that night they were vast and strange. I didn't really know what to think about you. I just wanted to keep walking, further and further into that night, sticky and damp as it was. I was drowning in the darkness, losing myself into the shadows.
Back in the real world I'm still sitting in front of a borrowed computer in an overheated lab. It's a cool March night, alive with the smells of buds and puddles drying into stains on the pavement. The guy who stole your scent is getting up to leave. He's moving on to his next stop, maybe to make another girl remember another lost night. After all, you're not the only one who wears that cologne.